Hello and welcome! 👋

I'm Uthpala, a postdoc in the Ab-Initio Materials Simulations (AIMS) group at Duke University. As a computational physicist, I currently focus on developing and applying computational methods and frameworks to design, discover and characterize novel materials.

This website serves as my digital corner in cyberspace where I share insights and musings about my research and other interests through my blog. You can explore a list of my publications derived from my research endeavors and a portfolio of projects I have contributed to. For an in-depth overview of my professional journey, please refer to my CV. Learn about the talks I've given over the years and check out the about page for a more personal glimpse into my life and passions.

I invite you to browse, read, and interact. Whether it's a thoughtful comment on a blog post or a question about my research, I would love to hear from you!

Recent Posts

Error estimation in band structures

7 minute read

Accurate error estimation is highly beneficial for quantifying differences in band structures of materials. This post explores utilizing the root-mean-square...

Advanced resource monitoring on HPC clusters

10 minute read

Efficient resource monitoring is key to maximizing HPC performance. In this post, I explore techniques for advanced resource monitoring on HPC clusters and p...