Biliroglu, M., Seyitliyev, D., Kotyrov, M., Abdelsamei, M., Qin, X., Findik, G., Alma, G. A., Herath, U., Lei, L., Chai, J., Mehta, Y., Swan, A., Temnov, V., Blum, V., So, F. & Gundogdu, K. Two-Step Phase Transition in Superfluorescence of Lead-Halide Perovskites. Submitted to Nature (2024).
In preparation
Chakraborty, R., Herath, U., & Blum, V. HybriD3 : A Curated Materials Database for Hybrid Organic‐Inorganic Semiconductors.
Zhang, M.‑Y., Herath, U., Merz, F., Yao, Y., Rampp, M., Ren, X., Blum, V., & Scheffler, M. All‑electron periodic GW method in numeric atom‑centered basis framework: a thorough benchmark.
Herath, U., Singh, V., Bhat, S. S., Park, H., & Romero, A. H. Stability and diffusion of oxygen vacancies in LaNiO3: a DMFT study. arXiv.
Herath, U., Bhat, S. S., Singh, V., Park, H. & Romero, A. H. Investigating strongly correlated alloys via Dynamical Mean Field Theory.