Embedding a video gallery in Jekyll websites
A simple tutorial on embedding a video gallery in a Minimal Mistakes themed Jekyll website.
A simple tutorial on embedding a video gallery in a Minimal Mistakes themed Jekyll website.
A short tutorial on automating recurring tasks on Unix systems with Cron.
This post serves as a short catch-up and a quick fix to a Latex rendering issue I recently noticed on my web posts.
A tutorial on calculating diffusion energy barriers.
A tutorial on plotting Density of States for electronic structure calculations.
Classification of Perovskites of different symmetries based on their atomic positioning.
Creating visually appealing documents with Markdown, Pandoc and Pdflatex.
A tutorial on calculating diffusion energy barriers.
A tutorial on plotting Density of States for electronic structure calculations.
Classification of Perovskites of different symmetries based on their atomic positioning.
This brief tutorial provides an introduction to using Atomate2 to set up DFT workflows with the FHI-aims code.
A tutorial on plotting Density of States for electronic structure calculations.
Classification of Perovskites of different symmetries based on their atomic positioning.
This brief tutorial provides an introduction to using Atomate2 to set up DFT workflows with the FHI-aims code.
A tutorial on calculating diffusion energy barriers.
A tutorial on plotting Density of States for electronic structure calculations.
This brief tutorial provides an introduction to using Atomate2 to set up DFT workflows with the FHI-aims code.
A tutorial on calculating diffusion energy barriers.
A tutorial on plotting Density of States for electronic structure calculations.
This post serves as a short catch-up and a quick fix to a Latex rendering issue I recently noticed on my web posts.
Creating visually appealing documents with Markdown, Pandoc and Pdflatex.
This post serves as a short catch-up and a quick fix to a Latex rendering issue I recently noticed on my web posts.
Creating visually appealing documents with Markdown, Pandoc and Pdflatex.
Efficient resource monitoring is key to maximizing HPC performance. In this post, I explore techniques for advanced resource monitoring on HPC clusters and p...
A short tutorial on automating recurring tasks on Unix systems with Cron.
This brief tutorial provides an introduction to using Atomate2 to set up DFT workflows with the FHI-aims code.
This brief tutorial provides an introduction to using Atomate2 to set up DFT workflows with the FHI-aims code.
A simple tutorial on embedding a video gallery in a Minimal Mistakes themed Jekyll website.
A simple tutorial on embedding a video gallery in a Minimal Mistakes themed Jekyll website.
A simple tutorial on embedding a video gallery in a Minimal Mistakes themed Jekyll website.
This is a quick and simple recipe to roast pumpkin seeds.
This is a quick and simple recipe to roast pumpkin seeds.
This is a quick and simple recipe to roast pumpkin seeds.
Efficient resource monitoring is key to maximizing HPC performance. In this post, I explore techniques for advanced resource monitoring on HPC clusters and p...
Efficient resource monitoring is key to maximizing HPC performance. In this post, I explore techniques for advanced resource monitoring on HPC clusters and p...